See 'Read More' below for currently offered classes and workshops. Check our events calendar for the latest times and dates. 

Buddha's Life Story (Film)

A new video series: Buddha, The Life and Journey of Prince Siddhartha, begins October 5. The series describes Buddha's journey towards attaining enlightenment, becoming Buddha and revolutionizing society. This series was produced in India by B.K. Modi with the blessing of His Holiness The Dalai Lama. ZaChoeje Rinpoche says the series gives the viewer deep insight in the life of Buddha.

This epic drama is told with world-renowned actors, incredible costumes, and beautiful scenery. You can't help but fall immediately into the film, wanting to see what transpires next. The series was produced on a scale and grandeur rarely seen.

Each hour of the 39-hour series will be repeated three times a week:

  • Wednesdays at 11am
  • Fridays at 2pm
  • Sundays at 11am

In addition, two episodes will be shown every other week on

  • Saturdays at 7pm, beginning October 15


Please join us. It has been asked of Geshe-la to give a class on Tibetan chanting.

Geshe will begin by taking the chanting we use in our daily practices. Each class will take one as we learn to become familiar with the sound and pronunciation. Chanting holds an important position in Buddhist practice. These chants are said to transform our minds as we turn toward infinite compassion.

Class one: Geshe will teach us the Refuge prayer that starts our daily practice. We will learn the Four Immeasurables, the seven limb prayer, the mandala offering, His Holiness's Long Life Prayer, food blessing and so on. Because interest in chanting is high, we have scheduled this class for 6:00pm before our regular Wednesday night meditation.

Tibetan Yoga

There are five postures in Tibetan Yoga. These postures increase our healing potential by helping to balance body and mind which in turn allows our meditations to become deeper and clearer. These postures are easy to learn and practicing will increase their effectiveness. While teaching the physical postures, Geshe-la will share with us each posture's significance and how together these five exercises form a complete series of physical movements enchanting both our body and mind.

Fundamentals of Buddhism

Emaho's student-led discussions have been powerful tools of learning for Rinpoche's students. By exploring a topic taken from the teachings of Buddhism, students gain a valuable opportunity to dive deeply into a subject and then share their knowledge with others.

Students have commented that this practice has been both challenging and rewarding. Bringing together a presentation for others adds a new dimension to one's study. The richness and depth of Buddhism's often complex philosophy is challenging, yet it rewards the student willing to explore the teachings in this different way.

The discussions follow the popular Wednesday evening meditation sessions. We are fortunate that we can learn together in this time-honored manner.

Topics for 2016 are listed here.

Intermediate Conversational Tibetan

This class will be a practical introduction of vocabulary and sentence patterns. By practicing and memorizing basic dialogue, students will begin to learn the Tibetan rules of grammar and sentences in a dialogue format preparing the student to converse in Tibetan.

Lamp to the Path

Join Geshe-la for in-depth study of Atisha's Lamp to the Path of Enlightenment.

The great Indian master Atisha (982-1054) is revered as one of the greatest masters of Buddhism. The king of Ngari in Tibet made a request to Atisha, whose sincerity and simplicity is said to have pleased him. Nagara said "we do not want teachings that are so vast and profound we shall never be able to adopt them. What we need is something that will tame our minds and enable us to deal with everyday impulsive behavior."

In response, Atisha began discourses that later formed his influential text, the Lamp of the Path to Enlightenment. Atisha organized the entire range of Buddha's teaching in a clear straightforward path for the progressive training of a student's mind. Atisha's work brought together the vehicles of sutra and yantra to form an integrated whole.

Four centuries later the great Tibetan Master, Lama Tsong Khapa wrote about Atisha;
"Wherever the doctrine had disappeared he reestablished it; where it had diminished he revived it; and where it had become stained by wrong interpretations he purified it. Thus he brought dharma in Tibet into a state free from distortion."

His Holiness the Dalai Lama explains that Atisha's comprehensive text brings together the essential points of the three turnings of the Wheel of Dharma.

Geshe will help us prepare to participate in this extensive in-depth study. In the first class Geshe will share his understanding in clear, often funny, but always with insightful understanding that will lead our minds giving us a new sense of appreciation for each stage along the path. Together with Geshe we will investigate a four line stanza, word by word. Geshe will help us investigate these stanzas until we see with clearly their purpose and meaning. Geshe will answer all questions helping us find logic and clarity. Each class will build on the previous. If you miss a class, Geshe will get you comfortably up to speed. Come when you have the mind and time to sit with learned Geshe gaining training and techniques that when put into practice will allow you to adopt a new right mental outlook, enhanced with proper motivation. You will begin to find you can live your life becoming gradually more relaxed and living more fully. You're welcome to join to the same class which will be held twice a week. If you feel you'd like even more study, please ask Geshe to set aside additional time.

Shantideva's Bodhisattva Way of Life

Join Geshe-la for in-depth study on Shantideva's The Bodhisattva Way Of Life.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama comments that the Bodhicaryavatara (Bodhisattva Way of Life) Shantideva's classic treatise, is the primary source of most of the Tibetan Buddhist literature on the cultivation of altruism and the Spirit of Awakening.

Shantideva is among the most revered and beloved figures in Mahayana Buddhism. His Holiness The Dalai Lama and ZaChoeje Rinpoche tell us by studying this classic Buddhist text we learn tools and techniques inspiring us to cultivate the perfection of the Bodhisattva: generosity, ethics, patience, zeal, meditative concentration, and wisdom.

Studying with Geshe-la, verse by verse, we will gain clarity and begin to see how it is possible to make positive changes in our daily lives. With the motivation of achieving enlightenment for the sake of all beings we engage in the practice to become familiar with our minds which allows us to free ourselves from habitual negative patterns and emotional afflictions.

Geshe will share his clear, often funny, insightful understanding giving us a new sense that positive is possible. With real change we can gradually become relaxed and live more fully. If you miss a class, Geshe will get you comfortably up to speed. You're welcome to join the same class which will be held two times a week. If you feel you'd like more study, please ask Geshe to set aside additional time.

Dharma Book Club

The Emaho Foundation Dharma Book Club is a forum for us to come together and discuss specific works relevant to our study of the Dharma. Please come and join us, even if you have not read the book. The discussion is open to all who are interested.

The Book Club schedule for 2016 is listed here.